What’s The Worst Thing That Can Happen?

My Green-Eyed Perspective by Jan Sperry Astani

 Perhaps the worst thing that can happen to an actress happened Sunday night in front of millions.

Jennifer Lawrence tripped and fell on the way to the stage to accept her Best Actress Oscar for “Silver Linings Playbook.” Handsome actors rushed to her defense as she regained her composure to collect her gold guy. Quickly thinking on her feet, which moments before had let her and her beautiful evening gown down, she jokingly told the audience that they were only giving her a standing ovation because they felt sorry for her.  

Earlier in the day as Jennifer glammed up for the event, I wonder if she contemplated what could go wrong during the gala. Did she wonder, “What’s the worst thing that could happen if my name is called? Will I have stuff in my teeth? What if I don’t win? What if I forget my acceptance speech? What if I fall on the way to the stage?”

Well, guess what? Falling in front of millions is not exactly elegance at its best. But the Best Actress got back up on her feet and went on with life. With humor. With flair. And with spunk. An awkward, embarrassing thing happened to a bright, young lady. And the clumsy experience made the starlet shine brighter than ever in the world’s eye.

When was the last time you contemplated a big life decision and stayed stuck in the fear zone? Have you ever stopped to ask yourself, “If I make this change, what’s the worst thing that can happen to me?” Then, have you taken the time to answer your own question?

If I end this relationship, what’s the worst thing that can happen?

If I move to a different city, what’s the worst thing that can happen?

If I don’t get this promotion, what’s the worst thing that can happen?

If I quit this job, what’s the worst thing that can happen?

If I go back to school, what’s the worst thing that can happen?

If I start a new business, what’s the worst thing that can happen?

My big sister posed this question to me a few years ago when I was considering a job change. During my job search, I grew frustrated because I hadn’t been able to land a new position. My heart kept telling me (no…yelling at me) that it was time to move on. But what would happen if I quit my 15-year-job without another job lined up? Fear had a tight grip on me, and I was frozen in the “No decision” zone. (One of my favorite song lyrics comes from the rock band Rush – “When you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.” How true are those words.)

When I looked fear in the face and decided the worst thing that could happen by quitting my job, my decision dilemma easily fell into place. By looking fear in the face and confronting it head on, fear lost and I won. And it felt wonderful. And powerful. And victorious.

Over the years I’ve posed the “worst thing” question to many friends who were struggling with a difficult decision. Most recently I had this discussion with a friend who was considering giving up one of her two careers. Amazingly, when I asked her the “worst thing” question, she talked out her answer right there on the spot. After that, my response was, “Well, what are you waiting for?”

The last time my two boys wanted to stop at 7-11 to buy a Big Gulp, I smiled while pulling in the parking lot. There, above the door, was a huge “Help Wanted” banner. You see, 7-11 was my answer to “what’s the worst thing that can happen if you quit your job?” I had resolved that if my job search didn’t end in a new position as quickly as I needed, I’d work at 7-11 for temporary income.

Fast forward 28 months since my sister asked me that life-changing question. Now, as a professional speaker, trainer and writer, I get the honor and pleasure of being in front of many welcoming audiences. And each time when I am introduced, one of my biggest fears is tripping or falling as I make my way to the podium. If it ever happens, I’ll remember the way Jennifer Lawrence handled it. With humor. With flair. And spunk.  And hopefully, a standing ovation.

And a Big Gulp.

About Jan S. Astani

So what would you like to know about Jan S. Astani? I’m a 50-something gal who left the corporate world of marketing, sales and real estate to dance into the entrepreneurial world of motivational speaking, training and writing. I’ve learned that “change” is not a four-letter word, and that you must face your fears in order to grow and learn. I’ve also learned that when God and your heart are trying to tell you something, you’d better listen and do something about it. I love God, my husband, my sons, my awesome family and my countless friends, and I try to live by my Mom’s wonderful words of wisdom: “Always do your best and try your hardest.” My mantra is “Be fun, feisty and fabulous.” Reading, traveling and doing Zumba make me happy. A little ice cream never hurts either. Thank you for getting to know me through my blog. Enjoy. Please visit http://janastani.com or email me at jansastani@gmail.com
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